Chapter (24)
The company shall observe equality and fairness in its treatment of issuers of securities having similar status, in the fees it charges to Participants, and in providing its central registry services.

Chapter (25)
The records of securities ownership in the registers maintained by the company for this purpose replace the records of securities ownership maintained by the issuer.
A certificate which is issued by the company in replacement of a certificate of the issuer of the security, is valid for all purposes, including when dealing in the security, attending securities holders general assembly, being entitled to dividends, pledging the security, using priority and other rights according to the provisions and procedures stipulated by the law and related executive decisions.

Chapter (26)
The company may carry out all tasks it deems appropriate for the maintenance of securities registers, the completion of transfer of ownership in securities, and the recording of related data, including obtaining from the registered owners the names of beneficial owners and detailed ownership information.

Chapter (27)
The company shall maintain a register of beneficial owner reflecting the data provided by registered owners pursuant to article 26 of this Law. The register and the information it contains is confidential, and may be reviewed only by relevant issuers of securities and those entities legally entitled to it, to the extent required.

Chapter (28)
A registered owner is obligated to disclose to the company the data on beneficial owners in accordance with the rules and procedures specified by Executive Regulations. When a custodian bank is the registered owner of any security, it shall maintain its register of beneficial owners, and the company is entitled to review it upon the request of an issuer of the relevant security.

Chapter (29)
The company shall, within the period and under the conditions specified by the Executive Regulations, complete the registration of a security and respond to inquiries of its issuers and other interested parties.
The company shall maintain books and records and prepare the records required to carry out its activities according to the rules specified by the Executive Regulations