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Steps for acquiring the electronic seal

Required Documents: - (Click here)
Prices: - (Click here)
Online Submission: -
- We have made the journey easy for you. Now you can submit all your papers online and receive your electronic seal within a few minutes from any of our branches
Step One: -
  • Prepare the required documents:
  • A recent commercial register (original for review + photocopy)
  • A valid tax card (original for review + photocopy)
  • The company contract or investment document (original for review + photocopy)
  • Fill out the forms for obtaining the service by the company's legal representative or his authorized representative (bank signature validity) (download the authorization form)
  • Download and complete the form and contract for obtaining the service and (Click here)
Step Two: -
  • Send the documents to the following email:
  • Wait for a reference number (claim number) to specify and pay the required amount.
Step Three: -
  • Electronic payment through the following link:
  • Payment (cash or Visa) through Fawry using the reference number (claim number)
  • (My Fawry) application or through one of Fawry outlets (service number 788)
Step Four: -
  • Visit one of the company's branches with the original documents and receive the electronic signature tools immediately
  • Delivery will not be fulfilled until after reviewing the original documents
  • For prices press here